About Lexicon

A feature rich and highly configurable, professional Joomla theme.


The purpose of this club is to study, promote an interest in, and disseminate knowledge of Lapidary and various Earth Sciences including but not necessarily limited to geology, paleontology and mineralogy. It is the Club's purpose to provide education in these fields to its members and to the general public; particularly youth and student groups.

200340127 4233800010041776 8512870373657627363 n  200469882 4233799940041783 7749299283639582664 n  200608434 4233799363375174 6260544472365839516 n    199098764 4233801506708293 3023538115113070758 n
200670048 4233800960041681 1459510730042656078 n    200967583 4233801446708299 3854902205822887529 n  200252214 4233798783375232 8580659419722180792 n
201195228 4233799456708498 6337652141015367724 n  201662826 4233798340041943 4600043623317126293 n  202734464 540399946968298 8413065468669920318 n
203497374 4233798680041909 6737227474885403985 n  203736137 351589609645108 2587507867205955504 n  203882451 4233798016708642 1902221001363938071 n
204676887 4233798580041919 1403055077573004698 n  205446350 4233799663375144 741055589012224884 n    205971685 4233800776708366 1947950309056822406 n
  food bank  Vera  198823464 4233801653374945 3929631756061067567 n

205446350 4233801126708331 3765756445718705023 n  199273908 4233799523375158 6784084914363443082 n  200075274 4233798863375224 5064059717104628410 n  200670042 4233798480041929 6725428618048574943 n  200027525 4233799223375188 1803471242984998089 n

200784319 4233798976708546 3502695807214478069 n  200180017 4233801573374953 7200720830479591907 n  food  199828926 4233800866708357 55777484288836055 n

  192226827 4233800703375040 9161031792658689884 n  198915468 4233801340041643 3538634889568654540 n  199709790 4233800280041749 1188246373128350296 n

  199295341 4233799853375125 5940199096464214458 n  199750710 4233798250041952 6605380140371013734 n  199320899 4233800196708424 830651963469840950 n  

199470940 4233799780041799 91228807933816525 n  199630527 4233798920041885 7757751290080547850 n    199750710 4233798250041952 6605380140371013734 n  

199964987 4233801220041655 8327038499951124487 n  199964993 4233801960041581 7872752403992080798 n      200087691 4233798176708626 5353661097550274607 n  

200117376 4233799280041849 4105298318672303998 n  200140833 4233800126708431 2677409162726928601 n  200180008 4233801066708337 271374568873867082 n  

200198688 4233799143375196 901200829100016689 n  




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