About Lexicon

A feature rich and highly configurable, professional Joomla theme.


The purpose of this club is to study, promote an interest in, and disseminate knowledge of Lapidary and various Earth Sciences including but not necessarily limited to geology, paleontology and mineralogy. It is the Club's purpose to provide education in these fields to its members and to the general public; particularly youth and student groups.

2025 Mid-Winter Swap coming Sunday, January 19, 2025.


Lincoln Firefighter's Reception Hall

241 Victory Lane, Lincoln

Advanced reservations will be available approximately October 1, 2024.



2022 Mid-Winter Rock Swap - CANCELLED
2021 Mid-Winter Rock Swap - CANCELLED
2020 Mid-Winter Rock Swap
2019 Mid-Winter Rock Swap
2016 Mid-Winter Rock Swap
2015 Mid-Winter Rock Swap



Friends of Museum

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